Francis Bacon once said, “The human understanding when it has once adopted an opinion (either as being the received opinion or as being agreeable to itself) draws all things else to support and agree with it.” (Fischhoff, 1983). Bacon made this statement and didn’t know that in the 1960’s psychologists would be testing and analyzing this attribute prevalent in humans and naming it the Confirmation-Bias (Klayman, 1987). The Confirmation-Bias can be seen in all societies, but typically when there is a strong feeling of community and friendship. The film Bernie shows the Confirmation-Bias in action in the small town called Carthage, Texas, where the community was outraged by the accusation of murder by their most beloved men against a distasteful woman. Influences from communities as well as personal biases will often, unconsciously, alter beliefs, causing unfair analysis of evidence in order to disprove one side.…