conversation, and his was the same. I expressed what my intent was, while saying that I was not trying to accuse or attack him.
Alongside managing conflict, I have learned to encourage the other person to share their thoughts. Encouraging let’s them know you are interested in what they have to say. In addition, to restate what one has said thus far allows there to be a clear, solid understanding for both people in the conversation. Moreover, I have learned how to deal with violence or silence. Stepping out of the conversation, creating safety, and stepping back in is a persuasive way to invite someone to talk or feel less exposed. It is important that the other person not feel intimidated because they may then go into fight or flight, which is another problem that has to be handled by refusing silence or violence.
Since learning about conflict management, I have not only applied it to my life, but I have also shared it with others.
I have told my mom and friends about ways in which to deal with conflict. In particular, a friend of mine that also takes psychology has shared techniques with our friends as well. It is amazing how much conversations can improve by having a different approach. Because of this, I have noticed a significant difference in all of my issues. They are addressed and dealt with in a more effective way. Moreover, I have noticed a change in how I react to the disagreements that I have. I feel like I am more understanding and collective when I am faced with opposition. Conflict management has helped me resolve problems, as well as negotiate with others to find a common