Abstract This brief paper’s objective is to analyze the managerial behavior of two managers, Ben Samuels and Phil Jones, who worked for Consolidated Products plant. The analysis will concentrate on how these individuals displayed their specific relation-driven behaviors, and specific task-oriented behavior, and the subsequent managerial grid model. In addition, this paper will describe and compare to what extent each manager used participative or inspirational leadership, and their influence on employee attitudes and performance. Finally, personal recommendations on how to achieve employee satisfaction, business high performance, and leadership effectiveness will be addressed in the hypothetical case I was designated to manage Consolidated Products plant.
Consolidated Products Case Analysis The Consolidated Products case is without doubt directly related to a “managerial grid” model case. What is the managerial grid model? According to Newborough (1999) this model was first exposed by Bob Blake and Jane Mouton in their book The Managerial Grid published in 1964. The referred model was not only created to explain human behavior, but was also considered as a powerful tool created to improve manager and leadership effectiveness. Furthermore, it provided a basis for comparison of managing styles in terms of concern for production and concern for people. Concern for production is the amount of stress that is placed by a manager on achieving production, getting results and profits; while concern for people is the amount of concern the manager has for his/her subordinates and colleagues as individuals (Newborough, 1999). Both concerns, according to Newborough (1999), will definitely lead to management effectiveness and are necessary to be an effective leader. In other approach to this model, Liccione (2005) explains that early Ohio State leadership studies showed that effective leaders displayed repeated
References: Liccione, W.J. (2005). Balanced Management: A Key Component of Managerial Effectiveness Performance Improvement, 44 (2), 32-39 Newborough, G. (1999). People vs. Production. The British Journal of Administrative Management, 13(2), 2 Yukl, G. (2006). Leadership in Organizations (6th ed.). New Jersey: Pearson, Prentice Hall. ISBN: 0-13-149484-8