Ten years later, Ames was executed. Clyde replaced the drug that was usually used with an anticonvulsant, causing him to die painfully. He somehow frames Darby for replacing the drug. He also read law books and American rights books, that furthered his knowledge so he could be smart or even smarter than they were. To start his plans off, he does the very thing he’d been fantasizing about for all these years; he tricked Darby into running from the cops and running straight to him where he used venom found in puffer fish to paralyze him while still keeping him conscious. He tortured him by cutting off his limbs and body parts, one by one. He videorecorded all of this and made sure he felt and saw it all as he dismembered him. He had the video sent to Nick’s house where his daugter and wife ended up watching it. He knew he would get taken to prison for doing all of this, but that is exactly what he wanted in order to get justice for himself and revenge on everyone involved in the system. He made sure that the evidence tied back to him so he could willingly surrender and go to …show more content…
There, he could go in through the tunnels and activate bombs and whatever else he needed in order to get his point across. He had written plans, information, and access to the prison cameras so he could watch everyone carefully to see when he could strike next. He did all of this in the years of planning before he was taken to prison. He also set off bombs underneath many cars in the parking lot of the prison. He warned Nick that if they didn’t set him free by six o’clock, that he would kill everyone. He ended up only killing Nick’s friend and assisant, Sarah, by blowing her car up when she was inside. All because of Nick made a deal with Clyde’s family’s muderer and let him off with only a few years in prison, he has watched many of his coworkers die. Nick met with Clyde and punched him repeatedly. Clyde stood and told him that he is just getting started on destroying the system and all who believe in