In their process of goods and services consumption customers are influenced by different factors that marketers study in order to satisfy customer’s needs. This research made on consumer behavior is important for companies in order to successfully establish their marketing plan, to sell their products or services and also to establish a good relationship with customers. In this paper work the three factors that were chosen to describe the impact on consumer behavior and on marketer’s decisions are family, age and ethnicity.
Before explaining the impact that the three factors have it is important to understand what consumer behavior is and how it relates to marketer’s decisions. According to Solomon(2010, p.6) consumer behavior “is the study of the processes involved when individuals or groups select, purchase use or dispose of products, services, ideas or experiences to satisfy needs and desires”. The process of buying a product or a service for a consumer which could be a person or a group of people implies much more than only buying and consuming that product. A consumer after identifying the need for a product will search for information about the product and after evaluating all the alternatives will make the purchase and finally will evaluate the satisfaction given by the product. This could affect the company’s sales or it could create a stronger relationship between the company and the customer. That’s why marketer’s in their plan of creating a product or service should study its target market and find out which factors influence the consumer’s behavior and how it impacts.
One of the factors that the marketers need to take in consideration when studying consumer’s behavior is family. In the past this term was defined as a group formed from grandparents, parents and children or as a nuclear family which was represented by parents and children. Today family is related to married couples with or without children, single
References: Solomon, M. , Bamossy, G. , Askegaard, S. , Hogg, M. (2010) Consumer Behaviour. A European Perspective. 4th Edition. Pearson Education Limited, Essex, U.K., [i.p. 1-4] Foxall, G. , Goldsmith, R. , Brown, S. (1998) Consumer Psychology for Marketing. 2nd Edition. International Thomson Business Press, London, U.K. [i.p. 2] Mowen, J. , Minor, M.(2001)Consumer Behavior. A Framework. Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, U.S.A [i.p. 3&5] Hoyer, W. , Macinnis, D.(2010) Consumer Behavior. 5th Edition. South-Western Cengage Learning, Mason, U.S.A [i.p. 3&4] ShareATT (2009), AT&T FamilyTalk with Rollover Minutes Car Commercial. 09/04/2009, 00:00:31,-accesed 10/12/2010 [i.p. 2]