Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Explain the consumer decision process stages. decision-making process can be described as five different stages: The customer decision-making process and its five stages
Knowing the customers' decision-making process
The most interesting thing about the study is that while they observed critical usability problems because of inadequate or poor information:
Customers couldn't identify purchase options
Customers couldn't decide if the products would satisfy their needs
The product presentations and descriptions raised wrong expectations, which made customers unhappy with their purchases
Businesses simply fail in supporting the consumer decision-making process by not taking their customers' information needs into account.
As a Physician, you will have little chance of knowing exactly which information needs patients have when evaluating specific services or treatments. To support the ' decision-making process, you need to understand which needs and concerns they have when making a purchase decision. There will often be patients who unintentionally mislead you by discussing a number of issues that appear to be of equal weight when they really have an overriding concern. You need to recognize how to discern exactly what a patients hierarchy of wants is.
The most effective way of discerning what is motivating your patients is to ask a number of very specific questions during a consultation. Surface physicians are trained, sometimes through trial and error, to ascertain the specific motivations that brought a patient in so that they can support the patients decision-making process.
Information search
The basic prerequisites for patients making their way through the information search stage is that they are able to find services that fit their perceived needs, and that they can easily identify their available