Communication would be the most important to use in training or learning what motivates employees in an organization. By communicating with them and discussing what their goals are and what they see as a future, a manager can get the feel of the individual character. A manager physically sitting down and talking with individual employees; whether the manager is new or he/she is a new employee. No manager can actually begin to assess an employee without talking to them. The manager needs to lay out what is expected, and emphasize policies. With the sit down, a manager can also get a feel of what the employee future goal is while being at the company.…
On the other hand, due to such uncertain reasons, the company was not able to utilize the latest technologies in best and effective way which directly affected their production of goods and services as they were not been able to fulfill…
Motivation is a key aspect in the organization or workplace, and it is imperative to know the basic theory application and methods dealing with any problems that usually unavoidable for the employee and will come up in any work environment. This is a mandatory skills for a leader or future manager to know how important on how to motivate his or her employee to work more efficient. Motivating employees is a big dilemma for managers. To produce a higher level of performance and productivity, manager’s today are obliged to pay more attention on this matter. Every employee needs different types of motivation. In this paper will elaborate three motivational methods that a manager commonly applies to motivate his or her employees and how this change can affect the organization.…
Managers should not sell the change to their employees as a way of accelerating agreement and implementation. Employees need to understand the change and managers should manage the change in a way that employees can cope effectively with it. Managers need to make sure that all the employees that are affected by the new change agree with it or at least they understand the need for change. Employees should have a chance to decide how they will manage and be involved in the implementation and planning of the change. It is important for the managers to have face to face communications to handle sensitive aspects of the organizational change management. It is hard to convey employees through emails and written notices. Employees are not responsible to manage the organizational change. Employees are only responsible to do their best with the new change and it varies for each employees. Organizations executives and managers are responsible to make sure that the change implementation is successful. Managers are responsible to enable and facilitate the change.…
According to The San Diego Business Journal motivating employees is the key issue for most managers; job discussions and training focus their managers on how to motivate their employees. With the proper motivation of their employees a much higher level of performance and productivity will occur, however, not every employee responds to the same motivation every individual responds differently to certain motivational techniques. In this assignment will be looking at different motivational techniques and approaches, the main question that a company whether it be large or small has is on how they motivate their employees, how does a particular technique work, and when to apply a certain technique and most certainly who they should apply this to? Motivation will increase innovation and productivity in a workplace. Motivation has a huge influence on productivity, every leader, manager, or supervisor must understand what particular motivational techniques to use on each employee in order to capitalize on the best performance of each and every employee. Each individual has his or her own set of values that life has given them; it is these values that a person has that will make them act differently in a particular motivational technique.…
One of the most important roles in management may be the use of employee motivation. Without the motivation of employees a business can potentially fail or not succeed as it needs to. It is important for management staff members to motivate the employees while remembering that each employee is an individual and that all motivational techniques may not work the same on all employees. Having a range of motivational techniques can help to improve the stability of a motivational method or methods. Performing as a great manager means that the manager is in tune with not only the business and consumers, but also the employees on all levels of the business. Knowing one’s employees and their needs and wants as an employee can ease the decision of which motivational methods to use and implement. If I were to choose three motivational methods to implement from a management stand point, I would choose utilization of employee questionnaires, constant share of praise and appreciation, and the implementation of changing employee titles. Letting employees know that they are appreciated and valued can go a long way for many businesses and companies.…
But for the topic given, according to the ability to change, I have to divide the group of employees into two; older employees and the younger employees. One of the reasons of why older employees are often resist to change are they think that they are better than the youngers! So, for them, they will feel that why do they have to obey the change while they are already good especially if the manager are younger than them. Somehow it will boost their egos.…
In our situation, employees believe that the change will conflict with their self-interest (fear of job loss). They also distrust the intentions behind the change or do not understand the intended purpose of the change. To overcome resistance, I will try the following implementation tactics:…
In this case study Roger Cahill has been acting as the head of mobile division for less than a year. Currently he is struggling as he faces great difficulties adapting BoldFlash to a changing marketplace. The problem really started a year ago when Mr. Jim Harrison appointed the young Roger Cahill to a VP position. Although Roger has led a research project in his previous work, he is only 24 years old and inexperienced to manage a company at VP level. Positions at those levels require years of strategic leadership and management skills. Nevertheless in the last 12 months, the company focused primarily on the redundant production of customized chips without further research or product development in new and upcoming areas like the storage device. This negligence from both product development and marketing is a huge loss to the company as they missed out on the opportunity to launch new product line; therefore missed the opportunity to penetrate the potential market. Now the company has old products not priced competitively and struggling to penetrate the marketshare. Also the four groups within the division, product development, marketing, sales and manufacturing are constantly in conflict and don’t have the reinforcement from the leadership to work as a team. Although Cahill has observed the dysfunctions, he has not implemented any processes or trainings to work as a cross functional team. The company’s profit margins are low and Cahill has to take initiatives to suggest number of changes. With the staff that has low morale and lacking motivation, Cahill has to develop action plan for improvement. He has to define roles and propose organization change design to deliver an outcome necessary to be successful and generate higher profits.…
There is a point in the life of every organization or company when change become imperative. Not change for the sake of change but for the very survival of the organization. A changing political environment, technological advancement, mission requirements, personal consideration and a host of other factors can necessitate or exact change. An organization that does not view change as something inevitable, embracing and prepare for it, is destined to fail, marginalize and eventually face extinction. Such was the case at Coolburst Juice Company.…
| No new innovation and or not willing to take risk will not bring any profit to the company…
The company success is based on the innovative environment and friendly culture for the entrepreneur mind people. The encouragement for innovative ideas can be idealized from the fact that company spends double money on supporting innovative ideas from the other industrial companies.…
An Innovation Culture has been developed and promoted in the organization as the Company realizes that innovation is the heart of developing new businesses, products and services, creating competitive advantage which will lead to sustainable growth. As a result, the Big Crowd of Fish Project and the President Award Project were established with the aim of making employees think out of the box and dare to express their opinions. The projects provide employees opportunities to suggest new ideas which will provide an answer to customers’ needs; ideas which are innovative and creative and will lead to new work procedures or innovations for the organization; or ideas for cost reduction. The Big Crowd of Fish Project focuses on 7-Eleven store employees at the operational level who closely interact with customers while the President Award Project focuses on employees at all levels from both CP All and its subsidiaries.…
In an organization where there is a culture that has been developed through years, a culture of uncommitted individuals and selfish authorities, the harmony that is needed in accomplishing the organizational goals between the management and the rank-and-file employees cannot be attained. At this point, any person who wants to implement changes in the system for the better of the company can experience great stress and difficulty due to the resistance and developed attitudes of the members of the organization.…
The two companies had noticed their problems. Moreover, these two companies had a very similar operating pattern in the business world which begun user-generated…