Working in teams of 4 – 5 students you will analyze a country’s cultural and economic environment in order to develop a marketing program for a specific product or service. The purpose of this assignment is to facilitate cross-cultural understanding and evaluate a country’s market potential. You should work as if you represent a company planning to expand operations to several new countries. Your job is to analyze and tentatively propose a marketing program for the company’s product in one of the countries. The project includes a paper (15 pages plus as many appendixes, tables, etc. as needed) and a presentation (each group will have 15 minutes to present their work to the class). Please see The Country Notebook (p. 586) in International Marketing by Cateora and Graham.
Project Components
1) Identify country 2) Identify product and develop product fact sheet 3) Economic analysis 4) Cultural analysis 5) Market audit and competitive analysis 6) Marketing plan
1) Selecting a Country
Please choose a country that you have some interest in and would like to develop in-depth knowledge. There are only three restrictions in the selection of a country: 1) you must study a country other than your own, 2) two groups cannot select the same country, and 3) you cannot study the United States. You can select countries ranging from the most economically developed to most recent developing nations. You must have a country selected by week 3.
2) Selecting a Product
The focus of this project is exclusively consumer products. You may choose any consumer product. You must also produce a 1 page product fact sheet identifying the product and product features (e.g., brand name, description, usage, purpose, benefits, unit size, cost, contents or other relevant features). The product fact sheet is due in week 4. Also include your product fact sheet as an appendix