Competition is controllable as long as US solar sales have an edge on the market and provide a product that the competitors do not have. The edge is better financing and longer lasting product that produces more power. Chinese companies are exporting solar panels that last 15 years with 10 Gig watts of power per day. The US company will provide a 20 year guarantee with a output of 10 Gig watts of power per day ("Smart Planet", 2012).
To be profitable there has to be a strategy to keep shipping cost down, since taxes and tariffs will be of no concern. A US governmental tax break will provide the edge need temporarily on exported sales of alternative energy goods and long term the company will rely on higher sales and multinational factories to produce solar panels. To sustain a viable business that will not be overrun by government policies in India, local
References: Singh, S. (2012, June 5). India 's fledgling solar-equipment industry under Chinese onslaught. The Economic Times. Retrieved from http://articles.economictimes Center for Climate and Energy Solutions. (2012). Retrieved from Smart Planet. (2012). Retrieved from expands-fastest-on-solar-energy/5980