CRAIGSLIST case is about a network company founded by Craig Newmark in 1995. The website began when Newmark starts with a distribution Emailing to his friends about advised art events and San Francisco culture. Soon, the Website “” was created in order that it can respond to the high growth of the members of his mailing list. By the users demand on the website, Newmark considers it as a classified advertising business, the main source of income is provided by Employers. Despite the pressure, Newmark refuses to increase his revenues by adding other categories of advertising and keeps the website very simple, easy to use and efficient. The special and original entrepreneurship skills of Newmark lead him to consider the Craigslist source of innovation and change made only by customers and Employees, the reason why he promoted Jim Buckmaster as a CEO. The values of Craigslist has not changed since it starts, despite the attraction to quickly maximize the revenues, which makes Newmark one of the most fascinating Entrepreneur in the world.
1. What was the innovation behind the Craigslist concept?
The innovation behind Craigslist concept is based on a simple website platform connecting people and make them helping each other like getting a job or house to live and based upon cultural trust within the social environment of the USA. It is an advertising business that does not count solely on material and economical goals but on moral values meant to help people each other. This is presented in a simple and easy framework that enables the users to find out what they need in a very efficient way. The creation of virtual community based on a trust making the people sharing and profiting from a real opportunities that could have a big impact on the life of users (Jobs, help etc.…).
This innovation starts basically while the so-called “ nerd Values” need to have a remarkable trend to change the world by creating a channel