Materials are: substance in a cup, flashlight, cotton swab, tuning fork, tongue depressor, Popsicle stick, pen, notes, tape, line tape and a standardized eye chart.
Procedure: I did a series …show more content…
The Olfactory nerve: I tested Brenda’s olfactory nerve without her seeing the substance in the olfactory label cup and by telling her to close her eyes before she smell the substance. (See Results) The Optic nerve: I pointed at the standardized eye chart to test for Brenda’s vision and to determine how far she can read the letters on the chart. (See Results) The Oculomotor, Trochlear, and Abduces nerves: For this test, I needed to observe Brenda size of her pupils by flashing a flashlight in the center of her eye; observing her pupils by her looking up, down, right, left, and at the same time clenching my fist while it moved these directions. (See Results) The Trigeminal nerve: This test, I asked my partner to close her eyes and to tell me when she is being touched with the cotton swab. The places that the cotton swab touch was her forehead, jaw, and cheeks. (See