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Evidence for A Although we have billions upon billions of fossils, we don't have one fossil showing where one plant or animal for that has or had evolved into another. Even if the theory of evolution was proven to be true, then we would have billions times billions of "in between" animal forms one taxonomic group developing into another. We have none.
Fossils Themselves Prove a Worldwide Flood The fossil records themselves indicate the earth is only a few thousand years old and that was a worldwide flood. Fossils are found all over the world in the same rock layers. Since fossils form only when a plant or an animal dies and immediately covered with sediment (or gets killed by life-choking sediment), therefore the only explanation for fossil recording is a worldwide flood where billions of plants and became buried in the soft sediment of the worldwide flood.
No Intermediate …show more content…
In case you guys are left wondering what that quote means, it means that creation is just as scientific as you can get, The quote that my Grandfather, Frank once said, back when my mom was a Sophomore in High School was: "if you are going to teach evolution to my child, then I have no choice but take my daughter out of your class." Now as I was saying the difference between creation and evolution is about a thousand miles. Here is more evidence to prove creation and evolution are entirely different: evidence number one God set the universe in motion, evidence number two both man and ape have different bloodlines, and evidence number three the remaining skeletons of both Adam and