is that of evolution against Creation. Both evolution and Creation are religions of their own.
Both are taught in schools, but public schools will not teach creation for being a religion. Public schools will teach evolution; because, they see it as a science. Evolution says that life comes from time, chance, and natural processes; whereas in Creation, life comes from God the Creator. Evolutionists will say that there is no God and say that only evolution is fact. People who “research” evolution could not have known that life formed over billions of years; because, they were not there to observe any of it. The only one to have observed all life from its beginning is God. Evolution is a religion; because, it requires a belief in it. The root of the problem lies in how the people want to live their lives. The world does not want to believe in God as the Creator; because, they do not want to have an absolute authority over them. They decide to believe in evolution to avoid having an overall authority in their lives. When scientists look at the Bible and relate it to the Creation, they find that everything in Genesis is accurate to the evidence that they find today. Those who believe in evolution will refute this evidence just to say that there is no God and promote their own …show more content…
“science”. A big problem in our society is that the people are getting rid of Genesis as their foundation. Without Genesis, there is foundation for Christianity. Satan is attacking Genesis. He has had people corrupt it by infusing evolution into creation known as theistic evolution. Many are even doubting the purpose of Genesis and stating it as just a symbol that God put in the Bible. If one cannot trust the history and doctrine of Genesis, then he cannot trust the doctrine of the rest of Scripture. Genesis really does matter.
Without Genesis, the people lose the doctrine of some very important things. Genesis states the very definition of marriage. Genesis states that marriage is between one man and one women, as God made them to be; and they are meant to be one flesh. Without this definition from Genesis, there is nothing to say that homosexuality is wrong other than in Romans; but if one does not believe in Genesis, then they cannot believe in Romans. Genesis also defines the reason of clothes. When man sinned, they saw their own nakedness; and they needed to cover themselves, so that, they could not see themselves. Without Genesis, there is no reason to not be naked. Most importantly, Genesis is the foundation for many Biblical laws and morality. Without Genesis, no one would realize that God is the only one who is good, and He knows what is right and
wrong. When the world rejected God, they put evolution in its place. Without the absolute authority in our lives, many have used evolution as an excuse to do whatever they want. Hitler used evolution as an excuse to dominate others and put himself over them. Some people in the world have used evolution to say that some are not evolved fully and that they are worthless. Evolution has also been the cause of many abortions. Ernest Haeckel deceived many into thinking that the embryo in the womb is just an organism going through the stages of evolution. With that thought in mind, many mothers found it to be fine to abort an organism that may be some animal and not human. Evolution has also influenced men into doing drugs, making evil business decisions, and it also has corrupted the purpose of men and women. This book outlines the necessity of Genesis and states the many wrongs of evolution. Creation is founded on Genesis which is also the foundation of Christianity. Evolution is founded on the rebellion against God and the rejection of His Word. Christians need to fight against evolution and show others the truth of Genesis and the rest of God’s Word.