Discuss aspects off:
Young children being in the process of creating themselves.
The making of objects of art and crafts, a.
How the Montessori “ skill builders” assist point 1 and 2 above.
Creativity is the making of anything and children are less interested in the product than they are interested in the process. They are learning without an outcome in mind and will construct meaning to any skill acquisition or concept as it requires them to do so. Inevitably with the right skill building activities a child's motor development will take form and become part of a conscious effort to create something new in the form of art .
The work is to acquire the initial building blocks to create and offers the child the opportunity to be competent and therefore experience independence and increased self esteem. Young children are in the process of creating themselves and the environment in which children find themselves in plays a part in constructing a creative self. The teacher is compelled to provide a place that supports creativity and is conducive to the visual arts. This is two fold and consists of exposing the child's senses to the works of art, craft and activities that develop the motor skills that make up the components necessary to create such things of beauty. Again, as with other disciplines the indirect approach of Maria Montessori denotes individuality and freedom of expression at it's core. Maria Montessori calls it a .....
“ Indirect Method” as she does not want to interrupt the inner drive for expression. It is about children becoming, capable of expressing themselves”. “ The discovery of the Child” ( Maria Montessori, page 282)
The teacher will foster within herself a love for the arts and express this to the children in her care with both enthusiasm and action through displays and pieces of artwork on the walls. It can also be integrated throughout the allocated disciplines around the