Cristian Vlad
GLOBIS University (Senior Researcher)
Nobumichi Watahiki, Ph.D.
Nagaoka University of Technology (Associate Professor)
大学生の企業でのインターンシップに関する研究は、学生への教育目的を中心としている。企業の立場からにすると、一般に、「採用手段の一つとして」「優秀な人材とのネットワーク作り」 「学生に向けての企業PR
1. Introduction
From Johannesburg to New York, the world round, major corporate enterprises embrace and make the most out of various internship programs, encouraging the young generation to be creative and explore opportunities of bringing new and innovative ideas into stagnating projects and working environments going stale. The World Bank, Coca Cola, Saatchi & Saatchi, BMW, Philipe Stark, The Zaha Hadid Associates, Cirque de Soleil, Virgin Galactic and the Guggenheim Museum are just a few examples of prominent organizations employing intern students worldwide and making the most of their input.
How about the world’ third largest economy, Japan? Although the internship program is not a new idea to this country, successful practices are still few and far between. Major manufacturers and global brands of Japanese origin, such as SONY, Panasonic, Fuji Xerox, Seiko, etc. have all tried various versions of internship, project often encouraged by the government and commercial promoters (JETRO, etc.), but they all seem to be short of tangible results and Japanese associates often point out to the challenges of creating an “international” working environment in order to accommodate intern students coming from overseas. The “lack of understanding” of Japanese business
References: Berliant, Marcus and Fujita Masahisa(2011) “Culture and Diversity in Knowledge Creation” RIETI Discussion Paper Series 11-E-046 Kusoku, Shigenori (2006) : A Study of Effects of Internship on College Students with a Focus on Self-Efficacy Theory:A Survey for Internship Students for New Business Ventures., The Ritumeikan Business Review., pp.169―185, Vol..XLIV Jan.2006 No.5 Yin ,Robert ( 2008) Case Study Research: Design and Methods., Sage Publications