The Teacher’s Role in Facilitating Creativity in the Classroom
Final Essay
Kimberly Brown
Ed 870AN 050
Dr. Marc Spooner
July 25, 2007
Creativity in the Classroom 2
The Teacher’s Role in Facilitating Creativity in the Classroom
Teachers have the task of facilitating creative opportunities by the design of the classroom, the atmosphere, the lessons and the teacher’s ability to be a role model for creativity. “The most powerful way to develop creativity in your students is to be a role model. Children develop creativity not when you tell them to, but when you show them” (Sternberg, 2002). Teachers play a significant role in fostering the development of creative abilities in all students “through their attitudes, the learning environment they provide, the instructional approaches they implement, and their relationship and behavioural interaction with students” (Esquivel, 1995, p. 197). A creative classroom environment won’t occur overnight and will require dedication and energy from the teacher to facilitate it. Teachers need to promote creativity in order to promote divergent thinking that will allow students to be successful problem solvers. Creative classrooms produce a flow of ideas, thoughts and collaboration that will allow the students to be successful beyond the walls of the classroom. The United Kingdom has recognized the need for creativity in the classroom and has developed a national curriculum that supports the teaching of creativity. Another large part of the curriculum is teacher training, classroom ready materials and an informative website that allow teachers to begin the facilitation process.
Creativity in the Classroom 3 “By providing rich and varied contexts for pupils to acquire, develop and apply a broad range of knowledge, understanding and skills, the curriculum should enable pupils to think creatively and critically, to solve problems and to make a