After reviewing all the parts that were available to us, the box with the lego parts and instructions, we read the instructions and collected the parts that we needed for our project. Two of the group members, Amanuel and Le, then put together the parts that we had chosen. Two other members: Kalkidan and Eyosias, searched for information regarding the programming for the explorer on the website given to us, and also watched videos to gather more information to understand what is expected from our group for this project.
We each researched on our own on how to do the programming aspect of this project. We also read …show more content…
The second program instructed that the robot should go straight until either the ultrasonic sensor senses something close or the bumper is hit then if any of those things happen, the robot should make a sound and backup a little, turn the head to look right and then left, and use the ultrasonic sensor to determine which direction appears to have more space, then turn in that direction.We downloaded the explorer program then ran a test accordingly. The test was successful expect the sensor which was unable to move. After thinking it all through, we came up with one solution. That was placing extra motor at the neck of the explorer to enable the sensor to function independently and effectively.Without any further modification, the test determined that the “explorer” was working properly. That was a