Course Title
Team Members/Contact Information
Time zone and
Availability During the Week
Jamie Johnson
Anytime Mon.- Fri. 9am- 9pm Central time Sat –Sun 10am-10pm CT
Deolus Aycock
Anytime Mon.- Fri. 9am- 9pm Central time Sat.- Sun 11am -11pm CT
Katherine Reon
Anytime Mon.-Fri. 9am-9pm Central Time Sat.-Sun 10am- 10pm CT
Team Ground Rules and Guidelines
What are the general expectations for all members of the team?
We as a team will communicate with each other in the team forum. We will call each other if we have any questions about our team assignments. We will select a team leader who will submit the final team papers each for week. The leader will have final draft in by assignment due date. As a team, we need to have our work in to be viewed for the leader in the forum by Wednesday nite.
Expectations for Time Management and Involvement
(Participation, communication with the team, accessibility, etc.)
Everybody should at least communicate in the forum about the assignment that is due for next class date. We as a team want to know what’s going on with your part of the assignment for a good grade. We as a team want to help each other to make our team grade a good grade.
Ensuring Fair and Even Contribution and Collaboration
What strategy will you use to ensure that all team members are contributing and collaborating appropriately? Describe the communication strategy you will use if a team member is not contributing and collaborating effectively. How will the team manage conflicts between team members?
As a team, we feel that if you are not communicating with the team at all, in the team forum with your assignment, then talk/call the leader for the week about your situation.