Jameson Supan
Ivy Tech Community College
Instructor:Danielle Marshall
James used to be an all-state high school athlete. He earned a scholarship to any state college he wanted for his accolades in football. After the first season of his college career, though, he decided to try out a new way of training. Apart from the exercises coach had him drilling he wanted to take himself a step further. James was always about the next big challenge, he always gave 110%. He started going with one of his friends from class to the new crossfit box they’ve been hearing about. He never really tried crossfit before, but James didn’t doubt his abilities. After his first workout James was sore in his bones, “I’ve never had such an intense workout,” he thought, “I can’t wait until tomorrow.” James was hooked. Over the next months of his off-season he spent all of his free-time in the box, pushing himself to new heights, and setting new records, until the summer after his first year. He started feeling a bit sore in his shoulders, a small sharp pain that came on every once in a while. James ignored it, thinking it was just a little thing that would work its way out. “I’ve got to get ready for next season, anyway. I don’t have time to be hurting.” He thought. The next week, July 4th of that year, James went for a PR in the box, he was going to snatch 255 pounds. The most he had ever attempted for the Olympic lift. On the explosion up he felt a strange ‘pull’ in his shoulder, on his descent to get under the bar there was an audible “POP”, and when the bar came down to rest under his grip, as it was supposed to, James’ right shoulder gave out. All 255 pounds slammed down on his back…but that was not the biggest issue. James’ shoulder was completely dislocated, tearing tendons, and ligaments. The damage was catastrophic, both in James’ shoulder, and to his college career. He would not play football this season, which means he lost his
Cited: 1. Glassman, G. (2006). Www.crossfit.com. Crossfit Journal, (40), 1, 7-9. Retrieved October 1, 2014, from E-BOOKS/Personal Interest/workout/Crossfit_journal_040.pdf 2. Crossfit Training Courses. (Ned). Retrieved September 9, 2014, from http://www.crossfit.com/cf-i nfo/certs.shtml 3. Robertson, E. (2013, September 24). Crossfit 's Dirty Little Secret. Huffington Post. Retrieved September 29, 2014, from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/eric-robertson/crossfit- rhabdomyolysis_b_3977598.html 4. Cooperman, S. (n.d.). Getting Fit Even if it Kills You. New York Times. Retrieved September 30, 2014, from http://www.nytimes.com/2005/12/22/fashion/thursdaystyles/22Fitness.html?_r=2&ad xnnl=1&pagewanted=all&adxnnlx=1412540150-djSdl8higgV3D42AvxJWdQ