Cruise ship industry are viewed as travel for pleasure in the sea. They defined “cruise ships” not only as transportation but also as trip for pleasure in the sea. As Cooper, Fletcher, Gilbert and Wanhill (1993) stated, “Cruising is more a leisure product than a mode of sea transportation.” The cruise ship industry is increasingly being popular as floating resorts Dowling (2006). This floating resort has bars, restaurant, entertainment spot, sports facilities, shopping centers, and a lot more Dowling (2006). Cabins are also developed into larger and more luxurious. Part of the development is for cabins to have more balconies. Dowling (2006).
Dowling (2006) Cruise ship companies continuously promoting their trademarks to allow the customers to easily recognize the products as rivalry grows. Moreover, it allows the customers to make an easy decision-making. Dowling (2006) One case example is the “Queen Elizabeth 2 cruise ship” where in the ship image express more exclusive and private, and an only one of its kind experience, with the advertisement and its promotional theme, ‘For once in your life, live’. While “Carnival cruises” characterized as “Fun ships” and it is for everyone that generally feel like having fun.
Martin (2010) It all started in early years, as the world became developed and industrialized and start trading with distant places, since then ships are mainly used in shipping cargo and used as transportation in exploring new lands. This evolution or development has mainly included expedition trip, post-war boom and the downfall of passenger liner and the beginning of modern cruising. Martin (2010).
Martin (2010). More types of people began to be more adventurous and thrills in spending their disposable income. It is indicated that the people that desires to have vacation around places in the world that usually can only be read in the books by famous voyagers, is now a reality. Martin (2010).
The first shipping institution that