Culture is a way of life evolved and is jointly owned by a group of people and passed from generation to generation. culture formed of many complex elements, including religious and political systems, customs, languages , tools, clothing, buildings, and works of art. Culture also divide by two that is material and non material culture. Material cultural like something that equipment on living like house such as longhouses at Sarawak, Eskimo. Non material culture is the beliefs, customs and laws like Indian they want to marry, bride should give “dowry” to the groom. Language, as well as culture, is an inseparable part of the human person to a lot of people tend to think of inherited genetically. When someone is trying to communicate with people of different cultures and difference-difference will adjust, proving that culture is learned. This show own unique and different from other culture. Everybody bound with culture respectively. Culture is a comprehensive life patterns. culture are complex, abstract, and broad. The elements of the socio-cultural spread and cover a lot of human social activities.
According to Trompenaar’s (1993) has mention to propose the dimension on the orientation of society, time and nature. Seven dimension include relations to the other people that divide into five which is universalism versus particularism, individualism versus collectivism, neutral versus affective relationship, specific versus diffuse relationships, achievement versus ascription. Meanwhile the others two is relation to time and relation to the environment. Universalism means when people put a premium on the law, regulations, values, and obligations. They are trying to deal fairly with people based on these regulations, but the rules which come before relationships. Meanwhile particularism means in Japan especially the people believe that every condition, and every relationship, set the regulations they live by. In response to the