only become a preschool teacher but obtain a more steady job. With childcare prices rising, my job is becoming more unstable. The ultimate professional goal I have is to become a teacher at the school I currently work at. I have loved working with the kids and my co workers. The environment is amazing and I would love to have a position in that environment in the future. Another goal I have for myself is to create a safe and loving environment for children in my classroom. I want to do this because I firmly believe that preschool through kindergarten are some of the most important years in a child's education. I believe that in preschool and kindergarten a child is introduced to a schedule, so their attitudes towards school and authority in general are developed. Finally, my academic biggest academic goal is to make school on of my highest priorities. In the past, I went through a short period of some personal issues. I let myself put my well being over school. I am able to put my well being and school in my top priorities together. Because not only do I realize my well being is the most important to myself,but also I realize that school is the best for my well being in the future. To summarize, my goals include; making school a top priority, becoming a preschool teacher, and to create a safe and loving environment for children. Also Aspen University will allow me to reach the goals I have set up for myself. Aspen University will give my the education and skills I need and want for my future.
only become a preschool teacher but obtain a more steady job. With childcare prices rising, my job is becoming more unstable. The ultimate professional goal I have is to become a teacher at the school I currently work at. I have loved working with the kids and my co workers. The environment is amazing and I would love to have a position in that environment in the future. Another goal I have for myself is to create a safe and loving environment for children in my classroom. I want to do this because I firmly believe that preschool through kindergarten are some of the most important years in a child's education. I believe that in preschool and kindergarten a child is introduced to a schedule, so their attitudes towards school and authority in general are developed. Finally, my academic biggest academic goal is to make school on of my highest priorities. In the past, I went through a short period of some personal issues. I let myself put my well being over school. I am able to put my well being and school in my top priorities together. Because not only do I realize my well being is the most important to myself,but also I realize that school is the best for my well being in the future. To summarize, my goals include; making school a top priority, becoming a preschool teacher, and to create a safe and loving environment for children. Also Aspen University will allow me to reach the goals I have set up for myself. Aspen University will give my the education and skills I need and want for my future.