Summarise the key aspects of current legislative requirements and codes of practice relevant to your subject and type of organisation within which you work. In future, I would like to teach a group of children in a primary or a secondary school. So, the current legislative requirements and codes of practice relevant to my subject area are as follows:
The Children Act 2004 (also known as ‘Every Child Matters’) is specifically aimed at children, young people and vulnerable adults, but many of its provisions are widely applicable (its key aims are: be healthy, stay safe, enjoying and achieving, making a positive contribution and achieving economic well-being) to all of its teaching courses.
Ann Gravells summarises some of the other relevant primary legislation, much of it dealing with equality, diversity and inclusivity (Gravells, 2008: p19). This includes:
The Equality Act (2010) which aims to eliminate discrimination, reduce inequality, protect human rights and to build good relations, ensuring that everyone has a fair chance to participate in society.
The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) (2005) requires that all learners must be given the necessary adaptations to allow them to participate fully in their learning. The Special …show more content…
The Institute for Learning (IfL) is a professional body with responsibility for teachers and has published a Code of Professional Practice which includes advice about professional integrity, respect for learners and others, reasonable care and ‘continuing professional development’ (IfL, 2008). Susan Wallace (2007) relates such external professional codes to our own internal values and says, in respect of appropriate behaviour, that, “...our internalised set of values...will be telling us exactly the same [as the external requirements of the Code]”. If not, then we are probably in the wrong profession