14th September 2012
Diploma in Health and Social Care Level 3
Case Study
Unit 3: Promote Equality and inclusion in Health and Social Care
Unit 3: Assessment Criteria
2.1. Give any relevant legislation and Codes of Practice relate to equality, diversity and Discrimination that applies to your own work role.
As part of an employee of Milton Keynes Council, I am required to familiarise myself with its key policies and procedures.
There are various pieces of legislation in place to protect and promote individuals from issues relating to equality, diversity and discrimination, which applies in my own work role that aims in providing inclusive support towards the rights of all individuals.
These are as follows:-
Equality Act 2010, came into effect from the 1st October 2010, which replaces previous legislation such as the Race Relations Act 1976 and the Disability Discrimination Act 1995. This was brought about in order to ensure consistency in what all workplaces need to do to comply with the law in making work environments fair and a better place to work in.
The main purposes of the Equality Act is to:-
Establish the commission for quality and Human Rights, make discrimination unlawful, create a duty on public authorities such as Milton Keynes Council to promote equality of opportunity between men and women and the prevention of sex discrimination.
This new Act aims to protect disabled people, prevent disability discrimination and strengthen particular aspects of the equality law, which provides the legal rights for disabled people in areas such as:-
Employment, education, access to goods, services and facilities including larger private clubs, and lad based transport services.
Buying and renting land or property, functions of public bodies, for example the issuing of licences.
However, although the Equality Act 2010, replaces most of the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) the Disability Equality