I will firstly look at a number of pieces of legislations that can also help to support and care for individuals:
Care Standards Act is an act is a piece of legislation which is put into place to outline the structure within a variety of health and social care institutions. These environments can include independent hospitals, children's homes, residential care homes and many more. It basically looks at the care and support that individuals receive within different institutions. This helps to provide the best quality care due to the environment being analysed regularly in case the standards are not of good quality. http://uk.ask.com/question/what-is-the-care-standards-act
National Minimum Standards is a document which set out the guidelines of the care that individuals should receive, and it states the minimum standards of care that they can receive. It states that the care given is fit to purpose and assesses each individuals needs to ensure the care and support they receive is person centred and works for them. This helps to provide care and support as the service providers understand what care should be given and what the minimum standard is, so care won't slip. http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/+/www.dh.gov.uk/en/SocialCare/Standardsandregulation/DH_079561
Disability Discrimination Act is an act that aims to end the discrimination towards individuals who have a type of disability, e.g. physical or mental. It states that people who do have disabilities can have the same rights and opportunities as those who don't. Its aim is to ensure that every individual is treated equally and no discrimination is present. This ensures a good level of care and support due to each individual receiving the same care and treatment, no matter what the circumstances may