by Christy Rose Phelps
P1 – Explain how the application of relevant principles and values will enable professionals to provide holistic support for individuals who use social services
Health and social care practitioners are expected to have certain values and standards to treat each service user with fairness, justice and equality. Guidelines and codes, such as the Care Value Base, which was introduced by the Care Sector Consortium in 1922, are followed by health and social care practitioners to ensure the empowerment of service users. The aim of practitioners following the Care Value Base is the improvement of the service user’s life and ensuring that each service user receives the best possible care for them as an individual. It also helps to set standards for each practitioner to work to so no service users are mistreated or poorly cared for. The care value base is a set of values that a health and social care practitioner should practise when working with service users to help them to achieve the best possible care and lives.
Values are important in health and social care as they influence the way in which we interact and work with individuals. It is important to have the correct values as a practitioner so you are able to make informed decisions best suited for the service user while ensuring their opinions and views are taken into account also. Age, ethnicity, gender, ability will all factor in decision making processes and the care the service user will receive.
Our own individual attitudes are linked to our own personal values and morals. They will affect our behaviour and treatment towards others. If people are working together in a group they may develop a group identity which involves shared values and expected behaviour. If the group follows the same set of policies and procedures they are able to work in a professional manner and support service users in the best possible way in accordance to their needs.
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