Right to Be Informed
I consider buying from you the right information to help you make the right decisions about the products and the customer must supply. If you sell the wrong product or it is deliberately false information to the customer, he may bring an action for fraud or scams. Court, if successful, may have to pay compensation. Common law tort, warranty, and the wrong of fraud, deceit, breach protect customers. In addition, the federal Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (1966) and materials, including the amount of all packets with the original tags stipulates the basic facts.
Right to Be Heard
The customer complained to speak, request a return or she feels cheated, or if you need to return the defective product is entitled to receive a replacement product. Local and state governments and the federal government to help resolve such disputes have established agencies. If a customer files a lawsuit against you and wins, he may be entitled to collect the amount of three times the damage.
Security Rights
Your customers, goods and services that are harmful to their health is protected. Customers buy from you with any product, what his overall health damage or injury must be caused. Since 1972, when the U.S. government established this right, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) product recall, in severe cases, this type of performance standards, product tasting and warning labels, and criteria such as immediate notification of defective goods has controlled through the thousands of commercial products.
Choose the Right
Your customers a variety of products at competitive prices offered by the various vendors have the right to their own choice. This right is illegal under federal law to ensure that manufacturers and sellers to fix prices or limit choices customers make an attempt to carry out unfair business practices.
Credit and Debt Collection
The federal government and state