Mr. Ruth
ENG 111; Section 4212
20 September 2012
Esther Dyson – Cyberspace: If You Don 't Love It, Leave It
Cyberspace is a place where almost anything can be found; for some individuals though, they believe that such a vast amount of unknown and unwanted information should be controlled by the government. Esther Dyson is the author of “Cyberspace: If You Don 't Love It, Leave It.” Dyson was born in Zurich, Switzerland; grew up in Princeton, New Jersey; and received a BA in economics from Harvard University. She is the editor and publisher of the widely respected computer newsletter Release 1.0. She served as a reporter for Forbes Magazine for four years and is a chairperson for the Electronic Frontier Foundation. She is on the board of the Sante Fe Institute and the Global Business network and the Institute for East/West Studies. Dyson 's view on cyberspace regulations is that government regulations are counter productive and virtually impossible. I agree with her in that cyberspace is a new frontier of learning that cannot single handedly be controlled by the U.S. government. Our society needs to implement our own powers of individual responsibility in this wonderful, enlightening, yet sometimes detrimental intellectual frontier.
Dyson compares how cyberspace is virtually the same as real estate. She states that “ you could think of cyberspace as a giant and unbounded world of virtual real estate”(420). The key words in her observation are the words that Americans have a deep love for in their genes and psyche: an unbounded world. That 's what cyberspace is. It is even bigger than that; it is an unbounded new frontier! And we can explore this unbounded new frontier from any comfort that suits us. Cyberspace is like any really great book one can go any where he or she wants to go, be whomever he or she wants to be, learn whatever he or she cares to learn about, and be fascinated beyond one 's limits of imagination, all
Cited: Dyson, Esther. “Cyberspace: If You Don 't Love It, Leave It.” The Mcgraw-Hill Reader: Issues Across the Disciplines. Ed. Gilbert Muller. 11th edition Wake Tech Edition. Boston: McGraw, 2011. (419-25) print.