Although dancers don't make touchdowns and interceptions, both sports are similar. Both dancers and football players are intense and want to win. As stated on, “If they don’t win they feel as badly as we do when we lose. It's not dance. It’s a sport.” Dancers are competitive, they want to be their best and want to place first. Just as how football players dream of wining the super bowl. The sports are different because football players don’t need to make football look easy. That’s not their job, their job is to make a tackle. A common quote is, “People underestimate the insane athleticism needed to make dance look easy. Dance needs to look easy, although football is meant to look difficult. Once again, both sports are similar and
Although dancers don't make touchdowns and interceptions, both sports are similar. Both dancers and football players are intense and want to win. As stated on, “If they don’t win they feel as badly as we do when we lose. It's not dance. It’s a sport.” Dancers are competitive, they want to be their best and want to place first. Just as how football players dream of wining the super bowl. The sports are different because football players don’t need to make football look easy. That’s not their job, their job is to make a tackle. A common quote is, “People underestimate the insane athleticism needed to make dance look easy. Dance needs to look easy, although football is meant to look difficult. Once again, both sports are similar and