This presentation will discuss the dangers of using a cell phone while driving, some supporting facts and statistical information, current States that have cell phone laws, and tips to avoid accidents that arise from the use of your cell phone while driving.
First, using a cell phone while driving can be extremely distracting and can cause a serious and potentially deadly situation. Even using a hands-free device requires the brain to multitask- a process it cannot do safely while driving.
According to the National Safety Council, drivers who use cell phone while driving are 4 times likely to be involved in a crash. This is because our brain can’t effectively multi-task. Have you ever tried watching your favorite tv show and hold a serious conversation? It’s a win-lose situation because you are going to miss the details from one of the two. Well it’s the same thing with talking on your cell phone and driving.
Driving requires our visual, manual, auditory, and cognitive abilities.
So if you’re talking, texting, surfing the internet, or Facebooking while driving, these abilities will be impaired.
According to the National Safety Council, there are over 50 research studies that have shown that using a cell phone while driving is risky. Each year, cell phones are a factor in 1.3 million crashes, hundreds of thousands of injuries, and thousands of deaths.
Drivers don’t realize that talking or texting on a cell phone distracts the brain and takes focus away from the primary task of driving.
Next I would I like share with you some supporting facts and statistical information.
* As I stated earlier, drivers who use cell phones are four times more likely to be involved in a crash. (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety) * Cell phone use attributes to an estimated 6 percent of all crashes, which equates to 636,000 crashes, 330,000 injuries, 12,000 serious injuries and 2,600 deaths each year. (Harvard Center for Risk Analysis)
* No difference exists in cognitive distraction between hand held and hands-free devices. Research shows that driving while using a cell phone can pose serious cognitive distraction and degrade a driver performance. (NHTSA) * 80 percent of crashes are related to driver inattention. The number one source of driver inattention is cell phones. (Virginia Tech 100-car study produced for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.)
* The annual cost of crashes caused by cell phone use is estimated at $43 billion. (Harvard Center for Risk Analysis) * Talking to a passenger while driving is significantly safer than talking on a cell phone. (University of Utah study)
Next I will show you what states currently have cell phone laws
Currently, there are 9 states that ban the use of cell phones while driving. They are California, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Utah, and Washington including the District of Columbia. The states in green represent some type of partial law such as no talking on a cell phone while in a school zone. And the states in gray represent no ban at all as far as talking on a cell phone.
This map on the other hand, shows states that have texting bans. Text messaging is banned for all drivers in 32 states and the District of Columbia which is represented in green. The states in blue represent some type of partial law such banned texting for novice drivers. And the states in pink represent no ban at all as far as texting.
Finally I would like to share a few tips that can assist in avoiding collisions. * Turn your phone off before your start driving and let callers leave a message * If there are passengers in the car, let them take or make the call. If expecting an important call, let someone else drive * If you need to make or take a call, look for a safe opportunity to pull over and park
In conclusion, I hope that the information that I have provided on… * Dangers of cell phones while driving * Supporting facts and statistical information * Current States cell phone laws * Tips to avoid collisions
…have persuaded you that using a handheld or hands-free device while driving, should be outlawed.
Countless lives have been lost as a result.