One of the many important things about a day care is the location. Finding a daycare close to school is extremely crucial incase there would be an emergency, you wouldn’t have to drive far to get your child most especially, it’s ideal for breast feeding mothers. As …show more content…
At most, the price for a part time child is $300 or less. If you have class that’s 2 hours twice a week you’d still have to pay the amount. For me, that’s a lot of money for 4 hours a week. Students have irregular hours, which the campus would be aware of. Most daycares close at 6pm but, what about those students that have class after 6pm? On campus daycares can be open until the late class hours.
It’s obvious that it would be hard work and there’s so many steps to take as for money to build a canter, employing certified professionals to take care of our children, but it would be to our benefit if we had an on campus daycare. Countless studies show that having a day care on campus helps many people. Think about it, more parents stay in school and pursue a higher education. Student parents and employees would save money, time, and offer hands on training for the Early Childhood Development program. Not only because you’re or I am a parent, but because we’d all benefit from