Although documents 5 and 6 do show how the Middle Ages influenced great works of art and literature, the sources together prove that the time period can be defined neither as a Golden Age nor a Dark Age. Document 6, which preaches the “memories and achievements that (the age) has …show more content…
The description of the government’s collapse in document 1 was the first evidence of this point. Document 4 shows the authority that the Church believed it had over military when it says “If... any castle is besieged during these (holy) days... the besiegers shall cease from attack.” Document 9 also says that while the church has rule over most of Europe, the power of the political leaders is only local. It continues to say that the church “often used its power to influence kings to do as it wanted,” and that the church (not the government) was the “single, largest unifying structure in medieval Europe.” Lastly, according to Document 7, when new cities began to develop, people began to “abandon their old roles of military headquarters and administrative centers.” While this happened, the church continued its reign as most powerful structure since the people continued to build churches within their