Whether good or bad, be thankful for everything and every person that crosses your path. They were all put there for a reason, whether as a learning experience or to enhance your life. The more thankful you are, the more reasons you will have to be thankful. It’s an immutable law of the universe. And guess what? When you become so busy being grateful for everything in your life, you’ll have far less time for living a worry and stress-filled life. Negativity will most certainly become a thing of the past. Shift your focus to what you want, rather than what you don’t want. It’s a mistake that people make constantly and it gets them nowhere but stuck in a negative cycle of fear and worry. Step up to the plate of start concentrating on your goal of happiness and living a self-satisfied life. Remember, only you can gift yourself with what you really want. No one else has that power. Focus on you and what will give you the best outcome in any situation because after all, aren’t you worth …show more content…
Let it go and say goodbye to it forever. It’s an exercise in futility that only leads to frustration, stress and more stress. What on earth is perfect? Better yet, who on earth is perfect? Certainly not you. And why in the world would you even want to be perfect? What an awful thing to live up to every moment of your life. Impossible. Besides, perfection means that there is no room for improvement. How boring is that? Bah! Accept that you are one of the world’s imperfect creatures and express gratitude that you are. By being the imperfect you, you get to and improve on your positive path. How lucky! No, perfection is a silly goal. Happiness, with all of its inherent ups and downs is a much better proposition. Let’s give a good cheer for imperfections! They allow you to make yourself a better