Imagine your Father, Brother or Uncle Working a late night shift as a police officer and going into a bar to respond to a call about a noise complaint. At the end of the night, you find out that they had been stripped down into their underwear and shot numerous times. That’s what happened in the death of two Lodi police officers by two men, Thomas Trantino and Frank Falco. Should these two men get the death penalty? I will discuss some of the grounds for justifying the death penalty. First of all, one of the most convincing reasons why the death penalty should be used is because it lowers crime rates. According to Steven Goldberg the chairman of the sociology department at City College in New York, the best evidence that the death penalty has a unique deterrent in crime is not based on statistics, but is rather based on common sense and experience. Furthermore, Professor Isaac Ehrilich said that each additional execution prevents about seven or eight people from committing murder. Just like in everyday life, if you see someone get a ticket for throwing an illegal u- turn, are you most likely going to do it? No, because you know what the punishment is going to be.
Another good reason why the death penalty should be used in our society is to protect our loved ones against horrible deaths by murder. As Edward I. Koch explains, human life deserves special protection, and one of the best ways to ensure that protection is to assure that convicted murderers do not kill again, and only the death penalty can accomplish this end. One thing that the death penalty can do is give closure to the families of the victims. Using the death penalty, justice is applied without the people taking the vengeance into their own hands. However, not only does the death penalty