Computers are great things, and are very useful in everyday life, but they create a certain distraction which just overpowers our will to stay away from the computer. In our modern day world, computers are absolutely essential and all around us, at work, at schools, at malls etc. It is impossible to run away from these devices and we've become so dependent on it that we just can't do things on our own now. For example, say you were doing some homework and you couldn't figure out the answer, instead of trying to understand the problem or asking a peer for help, you go onto Google and find the answer. The attachment takes away from our independent thinking and will remain with us until we learn become less dependent on the computers.
Posted by: Anonymous
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Too Dependent.
We have become too dependent on computers for answers, personal interactions, and we spend way too much time on them. If we used the computers for learning and as a tool this issue wouldn't be as big. The sad truth is that people use this great tool for an easy way to get out of face to face interactions with other people. In 10-20 years it is said that there will be a computer smarter than the whole human race alive today. That is a scary future that we don't have to look very far to.
Posted by: Anonymous
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Yes, because we rely on them way too much.
They kind of take over kids' everyday lives. Kids are always playing uneducated games on them. As soon as they get home from school, they head straight for the computer. We save too much important information on them as well. If the computer crashes, we will no longer have all of that information. And, we can't learn cursive writing anymore. When kids grow up, they're going to have jobs and will need to sign for things. They aren't going to be able to sign for those things because they won't know their signature! Even though