instantaneously reply " the mountains of Kentucky". They are filled with wildlife, comfortable
weather and crystal clear water. Being there surrounded by nature makes me
overflow with euphoria and contentment. The location is perfect for hunting and the observation of
its vivacious furry creatures, as well the temperature and weather are excellent for exuberant wildlife
and greenery. In addition, the crisp, clear, creeks and winding rivers are ideal for swimming, fishing
and drinking; therefore, meeting important needs. As a result, mixing all these things together makes a
lush, viridescent "Garden of Eden;" that will take your breath away. Because the Bluegrass Mountains have various hairy wild life such as deer, elk,black bears,
bison, wolves, black panthers and foxes; being there fills me with satisfaction. All the wildlife fills a
craving deep within the soul . For example, how often have you gone on a walk and seen a stalking
panther on the prowl, or a wolf crooning its pups? What about watching majestic elk nibbling on tall
underbrush? Have you wondered what it would be like if you watched bison herds wandering the tree
stained hills? Well wonder no more these mountain chains are ample with all of them. The many
creatures with an assortment of: claw, paw, hoof and antlers makes hunters and me joyfully jocund.
Being around all of this wildlife gives me a great fulfillment. Although Kentucky’s highest recorded temperature was a sticky, sweaty, pyrexia of
105°, the average day is a humid yet soothing febricity of 65° in the mountains. The coldest day for
the past six century’s was a bone rasping -21°,