Opgave A
I hver af nedenstående sætninger er en grammatisk fejl understreget. Ret fejlen, og forklar din rettelse. Brug relevant grammatisk/faglig terminologi. Skriv dit svar på dansk.
Besvarelse 1a:
Normally students look forward to go back to school after the summer holidays.
Normally students look forward to going back to school after the summer holidays.
Her skal “go” omskrives til –ing-form, da verbet “look forward to” altid tager denne form.
According to Michelle Obama is education important when you want to plan your own career.
According to Michelle Obama education is important when you want to plan your own career.
Her skal subjekt stå før verballeddet, da der er ligefrem ordstilling på engelsk.
President Obama, which wife has now joined his efforts to improve education, wants the US to have the highest percentage of college graduates by 2020.
President Obama, whose wife has now joined his efforts to improve education, wants the US to have the highest percentage of college graduates by 2020.
Her skal stedordspronominet være “whose” da det lægger sig til en person.
How much you earn throughout life depends large on your success in school and your education.
How much you earn throughout life depends largely on your success in school and your education.
Her skal adjektivet laves om til et biord (dvs. tilføjelse af –ly) da det lægger sig til verbet “depends”
A high proportion of American students earn a bachelors degree.
A high proportion of American students earn a bachelor’s degree.
Der skal her dannes ejefald af substantivet bachelor. Ejefald dannes af ‘s af substantivet.
The US universities should could help turn around the situation.
The US universities should help turn around the situation.
Man kan her nøjes med ét modalverbum, dvs. man udelukker her enten “should” eller “could” til fordel for den anden.
A low standard of education will