A democratic style of leadership relies on participation of the whole group. The leader may call for a vote among the group and the majority wins. On the other hand, the leader may make a decision based on the majority of views without conducting a vote. This style is very ‘open’ and ideas are discussed openly. The leader may try to persuade the group to achieve consensus and encourages employees to be a part of the decision making and to share ideas. The democratic leader keeps their group informed about everything that affects them and shares the problem solving responsibilities. This leader has the final say, but gathers information from participants before making a decision.
The participants will like the trust they receive and respond with cooperation, team spirit, and high morale. Typically the democratic leader allows participants to establish goals, encourages them to gain experience and recognizes and encourages achievement.
The democratic leadership style is the best and most appropriate style for the students. It allows them to be heard, giving confidence to students through the leader’s approachability. It also allows them to give their opinions and use their own experience. This style also gives the group responsibility and ownership of the decision they make, also allowing the students to learn through experience. Students will also be better informed due to the two-way communication.
The participation can result in high motivation of members of the group, and will feel more committed to group goals. The students may also