
Describe The Relationship Between Romeo And Juliet

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Describe The Relationship Between Romeo And Juliet

Lady Capulet
How would you explain your relationship with Juliet?
She was my daughter, I treasured her. I wanted the best for her, I tried to plan a wedding for her but she was clearly unhappy and did not want to marry. I did what I thought was right, I guess I was just trying to hard.
Did you know of Juliet’s marriage with Romeo before Paris?
No, but she seemed happier before my husband had made her marry Paris. She was more vibrant and looked happier in general as if she was living life to the fullest.
How did you feel about the death of Tybalt?
I felt so hurt, so vulnerable. I lost my beloved nephew, I loved him to death. Tybalt was always a very close member of the family, we loved having him around. Tybalt was very close to
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I seen Romeo as a pretty good kid everyone loved him. I especially knew him Because he is part of the montagues. I did not mind him as he was a good kid.
Did you know of Romeo and Juliet’s relationship?
No, I was not aware of their relations. I only found out because of friar Lawrence since he was the one who married them. If I had known about the relationship I would've done things different
Were you aware of Romeo and Juliet’s marriage?
No, I was not aware of their marriage but what I found very astonishing was that the nurse even knew and kept it from me.
What was the reason for you deciding to marry Juliet to Paris?
I thought it would distract her from Tybalt’s death but I guess I was wrong, she was already married to Romeo. Juliet told her mother “Madam, I am not well,” (Act.3 Sc.5 L.68) so I figured she was unhappy about her cousin, Tybalt, being slew by Romeo.
Why did you get mad at Juliet for not wanting to marry Paris?
I believe she was being too stubborn and questioning my authority after I spent years looking for a noble man who is worthy of taking my sweet beloved daughter’s hand in marriage.
Would you say that your feud is over, you did say “O, brother Montague give me thy

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