Investigating destination attributes, tourist motivation and travel values of the Bengali community in London to Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh
2. Introduction:
Today tourism has been considered as a great phenomenon involving movement of millions of people all over the world as the largest and fastest growing single industry in the world. In tourism industry, more than 235 million people employment opportunities generating around 9.2% of global GDP (WTTC, 2010). The tourism is sharply increasing in spite of having global economic downturn, even during the first two months of 2010 worldwide the number of international tourist arrivals raised by 7% (WTO, 2010). The World Tourism 2020 Vision forecasted that the world tourist arrivals will reach to 1,561.1 million in 2020.
The fastest growing tourism regions are in the Third World countries and Bangladesh is one of them to be flourished and promoted significantly and effectively (Echtner and Prasad, 2002). Cox’s Bazar, a place of tourist’s paradise with natural and man-made artistic attractions is ready to welcome the tourists around the globe. The increasing trend of tourism industry indicates some vital factors to the host community and tourists such as economic development, greater scopes for understanding, making stronger regional bonding, exchange of cultural beliefs and values, refreshment and entertainment, education, spiritual enlightenment, sustainable development and many more.
3. Research aim and objectives:
The aim of this research study is to explore three dimensions of tourist behavior regarding destination attributes, motivational factors and travel values of the Bengali community in selecting Cox’s Bazar as a tourist destination. There are some specific research objectives to carry out the aim which are as follows:
i. To study about the tourism resources and attractions currently offered to the tourists, ii. To analyze the push and pull factors related with the choice of a tourist