One of the cons of the determinate sentencing is that if a criminal is sentenced in that area then the prisoner will serve six months in jail or prison and according to Janet Portman the author of Indeterminate Vs Determinate Prison Sentences Explained she stated that “determinate sentencing has a defined length of time that the prisoner has to serve for more than six months out of a year and that sentencing model is reserved for felonies and violent offenders and that person won’t be able to get parole due to defined time and what that means it cannot be changed by any agency including the parole board under any circumstances regardless.” …show more content…
According to Nate Balis the director of juvenile’s justice strategy group he stated that “ incarceration of juveniles is not helping the community stop a person to stop committing crime it persuades them to keep doing what they’re doing and don’t care about life at all.” (Balis)
The second finding I found on pretrial justice is that the justice system has problem with inequality one of the statements that caught mine attention Eric Holder one of the attorney generals said that “every local state and federal and also private agency’s need to be reformed in order to have a fair justice system”. (Holder)
The third finding that I found out that the community is having problems with the most is racial justice for example African Americans and Hispanics are more likely to get detained by the police and the reason that they were hold in jail the longest was because they weren’t able to meet the conditions the justice system sets for