Determining the Unknown Genotype of Corn Plants of the Zea mays Species from the Phenotypes of Offspring Produced
No one particular organism is an exact replica of another. Diversity in the world is key for future generations to adapt to the fast changing world. This lab observed the corn plant of the Zea mays species to determine the genotype for the gene of tall versus dwarf in unknown parent corn plants by observing the seedlings produced. It was hypothesized that one parent is heterozygous while the other is homozygous recessive. The predicted results were that half of the seedlings would contain the tall gene and the other half would have the dwarf gene. Plants were grown for two weeks under good quality and equal care. They were then observed by the class to determine the ratio between tall and dwarf plants. Chi-square analysis was used to calculate if the hypothesis can be accepted. After experimentation, other topics concerning farmers can be further explored to determine the best quality strain of corn that should be used for farming.
The world is a diverse and interesting place to explore the differences and possibilities between all living things. Through reproduction, genes are passed along the family tree, and the species lives through another generation. Diversity exists because in meiosis there are possibilities of recombination of chromosomes and independent assortment. Randomness occurs when chromosomes line up on the metaphase plate and crossing over of tetrads occurs (McGraw-Hill). When chromosomes experience crossing over, many combinations of different genes can occur which can lead to offspring that have different appearances. “Independent assortment produces chromosome combinations that are not present in either parent” (McGraw-Hill). The number of different combinations increases when recombination is considered (McGraw-Hill).
A heritable feature that varies among individuals or
Cited: McGraw-Hill. McGraw-Hill Answers Mitosis and Meiosis. McGraw-Hill Education. http://mhanswers-auth.mhhe.com/biology/genetics/mcgraw-hill-answers-mitosis-and-meiosis. From the most trusted name in education comes the fastest way to get answers you can trust. Accessed 10 April 2013. Reece, Urry, Cain, Wasserman, Minorsky, Jackson. 2011. Biology 5th ed. Pearson Learning Solutions, Boston, MA, 487 pp.