This for me is way of the charts, because who would of thought that The "Lions" would do so well without the man Barry Sanders. I as convinced that the team would be turned into bird food in their first game against Seattle Seahocks, when the Lions totally changed that and made them Lion food. Maybe I taught that this was just a lucky start for them, but on their 2nd game against The Green Bay Packers, I realized that the team was on fire and I was very happy because the Lions is my favorite team, don't ask me why? But it just is. I think the team players had realized "finally" that they cannot let just one man do the job, that it's a team sport, and they are putting themselves to the 110%. Their defense is totally better when before that was what hurt them most, because while Barry got the team lots of yardage and scored touchdowns, the other team got them back plus twice the damage they made. But now the defense is focused and ready to go. People tell me I'm crazy because that's the team I like but I just take risks like buying stocks "u go up and down".
Hopefully this year the lions will get as far as two years ago, to the quarterfinals
And go beyond that. Another miracle that I wish is that now that the defense is good The man himself, Barry Sanders, decides to return to the game and play for the Lions one more season. This will make the team unstoppable, this is been called a big upset for everyone, but hell I don't care for me is a big SMILING FACE