Mr. Stratton
27th. October. 2014
Education is the key to success
All human beings should live an equal life because you are not better than anyone in this class, you are equal to her, he is a human being just like him, you might be brown, she might be white but we should all be treated equally. Would you like being unable to communicate with others? Would you like being unable to read or write? Some people in the underdeveloped/ developing countries are not able to read nor write. We live in a sophisticated society, where developed countries want better education, better life style, and better healthcare. Whereas in the underdeveloped countries, they want a place where they can express their thoughts, a place where they can hold a pencil and place where they can learn about who they are. As Malala Yousafzai said “One child, one book, one pen, one teacher can change the world”. We do not appreciate how blessed we are, we do not know how the children of the underdeveloped/ developing countries are living their lives. And education is the key to success, education is the key to success, education is the key to success, education is the key to success, because I would have not been able to write what I wrote and read what I am about to read right now to you without education. I believe that in order for underdeveloped countries to develop, the richer nations should help the poorer nations by educating them. The richer countries can actually help underdeveloped countries by supporting them financially, sending volunteers to educate those who would like to be educated and by bringing some kids to the developed countries to educate them, because ignorance is created by the lack of education.
First of all, richer nations that are most likely to be developed countries can help underdeveloped countries by supporting them financially. The Government of The United States spends 45.8 billion dollars every year and get up to 2.2 trillion dollars in taxes based on an article I have read. The money that the American government is saving could possibly educate them by financially supporting people in Sudan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Somalia. And we are only talking about one developed country that saves up to 2.2 trillion dollars, some other developed countries save more than that, so if people actually wish good for each other, they would support the underdeveloped countries by having a meeting and saying how much each country’s government is willing to pay to actually support these underdeveloped/ developing countries because education is the key to success.
Secondly, developed countries should have scholarships for those who want to achieve and pursue their dreams. Those developed nations can get students from the poorer nations to get a better education so they would be able to pursue their dreams, she is now a great speaker, won the Nobel of peace award, Malala is a public speaker now that got to where she wanted to and she proudly pursued her dreams because she got to a place where education is a must for everyone and once again education is the key to success. Life is tough for those who do not know how to live it, and it is tough for those who want to get somewhere but can’t because they do not have the tools for it.
Last but not least, developed countries can send volunteers to the underdeveloped/ developing countries to educate them because by educating the adults and the young children the developed countries can raise awareness therefore, most men would allow their daughters to get educated, because some people especially men are ignorant to the point that they would shoot a young innocent girl in the head referring to Malala’s story. Yes, Malala was shot in the head because she wanted to get education, she travelled to Germany, to the United Kingdom, and to the United States to survive. So when the developed countries send volunteers or teachers to work or volunteer there would be a great idea because they are not only educating these children they are educating adults who may kill children for what they want, so they would be saving lives as well as educating others who need it, because education is the key to success.
People in the underdeveloped countries do not count as people because they are stripped from their rights, they do not know how to live, even though have a smile on their face and manage to put a smile on their face. And people in the developed countries who have all of their rights, have a bed to sleep on, have clean water to drink from, have a place where they can express their thoughts, and living life at its finest but still want more and do not manage to put a smile on their face. Now take a moment and imagine how worse your life could’ve been.