How Bronfenbrenner Level Influenced My Decision to Enter Graduate School
Lakisha Anderson
Survey of Research in Human Development and Behavior
1317 Lenore Ave.
Lansing MI 48910
Telephone 517 580-4104
Instructor: Fabio D'Angelo
In this examination, we will understand the difference each of Bronfenbrenner’s level and understand why and how an individual can relate to everyday life. Each level will be dissected to the root and investigated.
I will relate each level, to my own life situation. I will explain how the environment that I am surrounded around which; and his theory motivated me enter graduate school.
The basic of Bronfenbrenner Ecology Level is how individual live and interact in This is how we discover who we are and what we want to become in our environment that can change us or hinder us to grow as productive human beings. According to Bronfenbrenner, children are shaped not only by their personal attributes, but also by the ever-widening environment in which they develop; Children are influenced first by their family, but also but their peer, school and work setting and communities.
Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory has influenced the thinking of psychologists throughout the world ever since the scientist first put it forth, particularly in the field of child and youth care, where such models as the ecological onion, cube, and umbrella models have been based on Bronfenbrenner’s theory. The first of these “…reflects an