1. In the first chapter of introduction I have given the concept of library and its kinds and function of each kind of library and give brief information of each kind of library, problems, significance, aims and objectives, scope and methodology of research work.
What is Library?
According to S.R Ranganathan Library means Universal and Self education by the individual Know that over 85% of students attend Indian college, It is important that immediate attention be given to the poor condition of college libraries. Library plays an important role in the education of millions of people. It is the real source of knowledge, without libraries no education will be complete. Libraries are very helpful to solve the many problems relating to education without libraries. It is very difficult to gain full knowledge.
The Kothari commission 1966 said that no university, colleges or departments should be set up without taking in to account. Its Library needs in terms of staff, books, journals and space etc.
The use of college library is not only useful but it is also indispensable. Without library it is impossible to maintain standards of teaching and study, without library teaching and learning process in not complete in every college the library now occupies a prominent position. It’s from important and integral part of the teaching process in the institutions.
Library plays an important role to give education and extra Knowledge to the students without library study is not complete. Library play significant role in the universities and college education.
The Radnan Krishanan commission on higher education stated that development of colleges and universities without libraries impossible. Library is part of educational institutions and the librarian is a helping guide and counselor to the reader.
In many college a teacher is give additional charge of the library. He is vested with all the authorities for the library. The large majority of the college