Diabetes Case Management
Plan: A Study on a
Hospital-Based Program
Diabetes Case Management Plan: A Study on a Hospital-Based Program
Case management is a program, which has set guidelines for a patient’s specific care in a disease process. Case management’s goals are to provide high-risk patients with a continuum of care, improving the quality of life, and lowering costs for the patients for their specific disease. To reach these goals case managers use different components which include; assessments and correct diagnosis, advocating for the patient, planning for specific services, identifying and linking services to the patient, monitoring and evaluating the specific services for the patient. Case management has been used in many disease processes, including cardiac, pulmonary, and renal disease. Recently however, case management is becoming a crucial part in the healthcare of diabetic patients in the outpatient setting. Diabetes is becoming a prominent disease process throughout the world’s population. In 2002 there were 18.2 million cases of diabetes in America (“National diabetes fact," 2005). In the world there are over 220 million cases of diabetes (“Diabetes fact sheet," 2009). Due to the high prevalence of diabetes, many countries are implementing case management plans to reduced the risk of medical complications from uncontrolled blood sugars. Taiwan is one of these countries. There are over 1 million ethnic Chinese affected by diabetes living in Taiwan in 2007 (Chang, Chang, Lee, Chen, & Huang, 2007). Due to this high prevalence, in Taiwan, a study was done to see if a Hospital-Based case management plan would be effective in reducing complications from diabetes type 2.
This study was done in 2007 at the Northern Taiwan Regional Hospital in Taiwan. The purpose of the study was focused on the effectiveness of case management through a hospital setting. The researchers
References: Chang, H.C., Chang, Y.C., Lee, S.M., Chen, M.F., & Huang, M.C. (2007). The Effectiveness of hospital-based case management: an example from a northern Taiwan regional hospital. Journal of Nursing Research, 15(4), Retrieved from http://web.ebscohost.com.proxybz.lib.montana.edu/ehost/detail?vid=3&hid=5&sid=5b255def-463f-486e-b6dc-d444d8abae7f%40sessionmgr12&bdata=JmxvZ2lucGFnZT1sb2dpbi5hc3Amc2l0ZT1laG9zdC1saXZl#db=c8h&AN=2009748868 National diabetes fact sheet. (2005, December 20). Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/pubs/estimates.htm Diabetes fact sheet. (2009, November). Retrieved from http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs312/en/