Age: 73 years old
Diagnosis: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Etiology: a. Insulin resistance i. Leads to decreased peripheral utilization of glucose ii. Leads to increased liver glucose output b. Beta cell dysfunction; decreased insulin secretion c. Alpha cell dysfunction; lack of suppression of glucagon secretion (p.164, Expanded Medicine Blue Book)
Signs and Symptoms: a. Polyuria: Excessive and/or frequent urination b. Polydipsia: Excessive thirst c. Polyphagia: Excessive hunger and/or increased apetite d.Unexplained weight loss
Medications: a. Metformin: works by suppressing glucose production by the liver. It is also used to reduce diabetes complications. Dosage of intake by the patient: 500mg oral tablets; once a day. b. Gliclazide: selectively binds and strengthens the affinity of the glucose on cells Dosage of intake by the patient: 80mg oral tablets; half tablet,once a day. c. Clopidogrel: used to inhibit blood clots Dosage of intake by the patient: 75 mg oral tablets;once a day d. Vitamin C: anti-oxidant to strengthen the blood vessels Dosage of intake by the patient: 500mg; once a day
Laboratory Testing (The copy of his laboratory tests was not kept) a. Random or Casual Blood Sugar -Blood sugar testing any time of the day without regard to time since last meal. Value indicative for diabetes: >200 mg/dL b.Fasting Blood Sugar - measures blood glucose after the patient have not eaten for at least 8 hours. Value indicative for diabetes: ≥126mg/dL
Additional information: The patient was advised to practice proper diet by eating the right foods that are sufficient for his nutritional requirements. He was also advised to engage on daily activities and have a healthy lifestyle.Lastly, he must take his anti-diabetic drugs regularly and rightly. The patient acquired diabetes hereditarily which