Note: Refer to your profile, iprofile reports, and TEXTBOOK. Name______________ Base answers on 3 day average intake only.
1. According to your profile, your BMI is _________. This means you are considered:
1) underweight 2) healthy 3) overweight 4) obese? (circle one)
2. What percent of your recommended kcalorie intake did you consume? ________%
3. If you consumed your average kcalorie intake per day over a month, assuming no change in activity level, would you expect to lose, gain, or maintain your weight? (circle one)
4. The Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR) for protein is 10-35% of total kcalories.
a) What was your average protein intake (g)? _______gms
b) …show more content…
c) What percent of your total kcalories came from protein? __________%
5. What % of your Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for protein did you obtain? __________% a) What 3 foods contributed the most to your protein intake?
b) What diet changes, if any, would you make to bring your protein intake closer to your RDA?
6. List 2 health risks associated with a high protein intake (more than 2 times the