In order to maximize your business bottom line, both marketing strategies and sales strategies need to be implemented correctly. Strategic marketing provides the prospects and leads while strategic sales close the deals to provide revenue to keep your business operating in the black. Often, in some smaller business, the same person is fulfilling both roles. However, when possible, it is best to have more specialized people create and implement the strategies.
According to “USA Today,” marketing includes strategic activities utilized to inform your potential customers of your business while clarifying the benefits of patronizing your establishment instead of another. Sales strategies include measures used to gain customer orders. They are interdependent on each other. Without successful marketing, clients may not hear about your business; however, without sales, you may not procure necessary revenue from these people. Simply put, marketing strategies generate sales leads and sales strategies gain agreement to purchase a product or service, therefore generating revenue.
Marketing strategies include any communication to make your target audience aware of your services, products and expertise. Marketing professionals use strategy to provide the company with the best competitive position within their market. Communication venues often consist of branding, advertising, public relations, media releases and viral marketing. Sales strategies tend to be more individual-oriented. Sales can include one-on-one meetings whether in person or on the phone. They can also include group interactions, but the difference here is that the salesperson is looking to obtain agreement, hence funds.
Personality Traits
According to “USA Today,” marketing and sales take two different skills sets and are often best served by two different personality types. Procuring the client, closing the deal